2025 Policies & Procedures
The Candia Farmers Market, herein referred to as the Market or CFM, is run by a volunteer steering committee as a not-for-profit entity for the benefit of local farmers and the community.
Market Mission
The mission of the Candia Farmers Market is to provide an opportunity for local farmers and artisans to promote and sell their products, while fostering stronger relationships within the community.
Market Location
Pond Parkon the Smyth Public Library grounds, 55 High Street, Candia, NH 03034
Market Times
The Market will open for the 2025 season on June 21st and run the 3rd Saturday of every month from June through October. The hours are 9am – 12pm for the June, July, August, and September markets. The hours for the October Farmer’s Market, which will include an Artisan Fair and Mini-Octoberfest on October 18th are 9am – 1pm. The Market reserves the right to adjust the hours if it deems necessary.
Vendor Definitions
- Agricultural vendors – must grow, forage, catch, or raise 70% of what is to be sold at the market. The remaining 30% may be sourced from other local farms with full disclosure to customers with a sign indicating where the products were purchased.
- Value Added Farm products must be made by the vendor from items grown, foraged, caught, or raised by them or other local farms with full disclosure to customers with a sign indicating where the products were purchased.
- Prepared/baked goods – baked goods, jams, jellies, and similar items may be sold if made by the vendor and ingredients are locally sourced whenever possible. Ingredients not normally grown within New England i.e., coffee beans and olives will be allowed with prior approval from the Candia Farmers Market Management Team.
- Artisan/Craftsperson – vendors will be defined as those selling their own locally made arts and crafts. They MUST be made by the vendor themselves. Preference will be given to items made of natural and local materials. These items should reflect fine craftsmanship, personal vision and should be in keeping with the spirit and tradition of farmers markets. No mass-produced items are allowed.
Vendor Distribution
CFM intent is to reserve a minimum of 50% of the Farmers Market space for local agricultural farmers and value-added farm producers, with no more than 30% of attending vendor space allotted for prepared or baked products, and no more than 20% of attending vendors space allotted for artisans and crafters, except during the Artisan Fair in July and the Mini-Octoberfest and Artisan Fair in October when the number will obviously be higher. In all cases, preference is given to local vendors from Candia.
Allowable Items
All items sold by a vendor must be listed on their application and will be approved or rejected on a per-item basis by the Market Management Team. A Management Team Member will likely be reviewing the items you are selling on the day of the market to ensure they are consistent with our requirements and your application.
- No mass-produced items are allowed.
- All products sold must have been grown, raised, caught, or crafted in New England.
Vendor Space
Vendor space at the CFM is 10’x10’, on the grass. Vendors are responsible for providing their own tents/canopies (with 20-pound weights for each leg), tables, and chairs. Assistance may be available at times from volunteers to carry in and out your items but is not guaranteed.
- A sign naming the business/farm/organization is required.
- A price list MUST be prominently displayed for all items being sold. Or EVERY item may be labeled with a price tag individually.
- Those items purchased from other farms must be clearly labeled as such.
- NO signs promoting businesses other than your registered organization are allowed.
- NO signs promoting or fundraising for anything of a political, controversial, or religious nature are allowed.
- Any fundraising or special events must be approved by the Market Management Team in advance.
Space Assignment
The allocation of vending spaces shall be the responsibility of the Market Management Team. Vendors will be directed to their spot by members of the CFM team. If you have heavy items or have difficulty walking, please let us know so that we can try to accommodate you with a space near the parking lot.
Vendor Set-Up and Close
- Vendors need to be set up and ready for business no later than 8:45am.
- Vendors can start arriving at 7am to set up.
- Customers will be allowed entry into the market area at 9:00am and all vendors must be ready to sell at that time.
- Vendors are NOT permitted to breakdown before the market officially closes.
Vendor Parking
All vendor vehicles MUST be moved to the parking area at Moore School located at 12 Deerfield Road prior to 8:45am. Additional parking is available across the street at the Candia Town Hall at 74 High Street. If you have difficulty walking or other health issues, please let us know so that we can assign you a parking spot next to the customer parking lot.
Insurance – NEW for 2025 all vendors must have Insurance Coverage
Vendors are required to have commercial or individual insurance coverage including product liability of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. A certificate of insurance naming the Candia Farmers Market as additionally insured must be provided to the Management Team at least one week prior to the vendor’s first market of the season.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) EBT payments
The CFM uses wooden tokens imprinted with our logo to allow customers to use their SNAP EBT to purchase items at the market. We also use paper vouchers with our logo to allow customers to purchase additional items under the GSMM program. Each token or voucher is valued at one dollar and can only be used to purchase certain acceptable items. Every vendor is required to complete training on what items are acceptable as part of our application and acceptance process. A link to the training will be provided to you once your application has been accepted.
Each vendor is required to obtain their own state permitting and licensing as required by federal or state law. Please visit www.agriculture.nh.gov/index.htm or www.dhhs.nh.gov if you have any questions on the regulations surrounding your products.
Prepared food vendors should follow all procedures and licensing requirements set forth by NH Homestead Food Operations. Items must be labelled according to their specifications. More information can be found here: www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/environmental-health-and-you/food-protection/homestead-food-operations.
The Candia Farmers Market holds a permit from the Town of Candia to hold a market on town property. The Market will process vendor applications for town permitting as required per vendor. All permits and licensing should be displayed at vendor tables.
- A scale registered with the State of NH and certified annually by the Division of Weights and Measures annually must be used for any items sold by the pound.
Produce cannot be advertised as “certified organic” unless it has been certified organic by the Department of Agriculture. A current organic certification must be attached to the vendor’s application and properly displayed at the Market.
Non-profit organizations will be allowed on a space available basis, after all others are accommodated, providing they meet the above criteria for sales of original work and adhere to local sourcing. Non-profits may be admitted for dissemination of information or education purposes. There is no fee. No political party, controversial, or religious organizations are allowed.
In the event of emergency, accident, or injury, the Town of Candia has a 911 system. Please also notify a member of the Management Team staffing the Candia Community Table.
CFM allows domesticated animals; however, they must be controlled by their owner and adhere to all applicable leash laws upheld by the Town of Candia.
No smoking or vaping will be allowed on the grounds of the Candia Farmers Market.
CFM is a carry-in/carry-out market. All vendors are responsible for the disposal of their own refuse and leave their space neat and clean as found. Do not load host trash receptacles with your unwanted product.
- As a general policy the CFM is a rain or shine event. The Market reserves the right to cancel any scheduled market due to severe inclement weather or circumstances beyond the Market’s control. Cancellation will be done via email only with as much notice as is reasonably possible.
- Vendors are required to notify a Management Team member by Thursday of the market week if they are unable to make a market they are registered to attend. Failure to appear on the day of the market is grounds for removal from future markets. Vendor fees are non-refundable.
- If you have an emergency, or are running late, or unable to attend, please contact a member of the Market Management Team prior to 7:30am. Contact information is at the end of these policies. Vendor fees are non-refundable.
Code of Conduct
CFM wants to ensure that all our transactions in this common meeting space we share are safe, transparent, and exceed expectations for all participants. We want to ensure that everyone that participates in our markets, including our customers and vendors, has a pleasant and rewarding experience. Please report any issues to the Candia Farmers Market Management Team immediately.
Vendor Non-compliance, Violations and Removal
- Decisions by a member of the Market Management Team made on the day of the market are final for that market. Vendors may appeal to the Candia Farmers Market Committee in writing prior to the next market. See appeals below for full details.
- The Candia Farmers Market reserves the right to revoke the approval of any vendor’s application at any time, resulting in expulsion of the vendor and the forfeiture of booth fees paid.
- Any vendor who has been determined to be in non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the CFM, infringes upon the rights of other vendors, or acts in a dangerous manner as determined by the Market Management Team, will be removed for just cause.
- Any violation of any health laws, in connection with the production or marketing of the vendors’ produce or goods, is strictly prohibited and cause for removal from future markets.
- When the Market Management Team determines that a vendor has violated any provision of these guidelines as set forth, a vendor may receive a warning, a temporary suspension, or expulsion from the market.
- A vendor may only be reinstated after a written request and review by the Candia Farmers Market Committee.
- You are required to acknowledge receipt of the Candia Farmers Market Policies and certify that you have read, understand, and agree to adhere to its content. This acknowledgement is located on your vendor application.
- Policies and Procedures are subject to change and the vendor agrees to adhere to any and all changes. Vendors will be notified via email of any changes.
- Vendor fees are non-refundable.
Conflict resolution and Appeals process
- Any conflict which arises between a vendor and a customer must be brought to the attention of the Management Team member staffing the Candia Community table for resolution.
- Any complaint against a fellow vendor must be in writing and directed to the Candia Farmers Market Management Team, 74 High Street, Candia, NH 03034. A decision will be rendered within two weeks (14 days) and sent to the involved parties via email or in person.
- Any Vendor complaint against the Candia Farmers Market Management Team must be in writing and directed to the Candia Farmers Market Committee, 74 High Street, Candia, NH 03034. A decision will be rendered within two weeks (14 days) and sent to you via email or in person.
- Should the vendor disagree with the Candia Farmers Market Committees determination, the vendor may file a written appeal to the Candia Agricultural Commission, 74 High Street, Candia, NH 03034. A decision will be rendered within 7 business days of their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. All decisions of the Candia Agricultural Commission are final.
Candia Farmers Market Management Team Contact Information
Melissa Madden (603) 370-7060 melissa@CandiaFarmersMarket.org |
Pattie Davis (603) 759-7959 |
Darrel Nafranowicz (603) 339-0549 |
Alex Campbell (603) 233-8040 |